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Shot Caller: A Podcast by Shannon Sagawe

Dec 17, 2021

What happens when you cross a cat rescuing microbiologist with another cat rescuing MBA student?  You get a passionate and purposeful team who has set out remove animals from factory farming and the pet food supply chain by creating cultivated mouse meat!  BOOM, we have Because Animals! That is what we call SHOT...

Nov 12, 2021

Henrik Lund, CEO of Naturli- tells us how Naturli is not just a plant-based food producer; they are a MOVEMENT, that also happens to produce and sell plant-based food products.

Naturli was founded in 1988 and for quite a few years, their products were only to be found in the specialty allergy section in a remote corner...

Oct 29, 2021

WELCOME TO OUR 50th EPISODE!!!!  Thank you for all of your support.  As October is both Breast Cancer Awareness and Menopause Awareness month; we are ending the month with a very cool story from another revolutionary entrepreneur!

Rochelle Weitzner is a seasoned C-Suite executive and beauty industry veteran. She is the...

Oct 22, 2021

Dr. Nichola Conlon, a leader in longevity science since 2014, is a passionate advocate for education in longevity science. As CEO and Co-Founder of Nuchido Laboratories, She wants to help YOU be YOU for longer!

Why is Nuchido different from many other supplement companies?  They are "systems pharmacologists" who...

Oct 13, 2021

"There is a term sometimes used called 'toxic positivity.'  For sure our thoughts have power and ultimately we want to see the glass as 'half-full,' but absolutely, not at the expense of suppressing emotion."  Sylvia Beasley-Suffolk, Founder Shine True

In this very special episode, Sylvia explains the very significant...